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How Much does Advertising Cost? (3 Factors)

It depends on 3 things: Platform, Conversion Rate, and Content Creation

1. Platform

LinkedIn: Average CPC: $5.58

Facebook: Average CPC: $1.72

Instagram: Average CPC: $0.50

Snapchat: Average CPSU (cost per swipe up): $2.25

TikTok: Starting at $10 per 1000 views. $500 minimum for a campaign.

2. Conversion Rate

While these are reliable averages for CPC (cost per click), conversion rates can depend on the industry, platform, and ad format.

3. Content Creation

Cost of advertising is one element to a successful campaign, but it’s also important to consider the cost of content production. For more information on that, check out our How Much Does Video Production Cost? blog.

For more information on social media marketing in general, check out How Much does Social Media Marketing Cost?

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